Sunday, November 9, 2008

she'll never be fat!!

Edited to add:

I spoke to the child's granny last night and she has been told that her son says that the baby in question is fed over the weekend, but casually. Which does not go with a previous statement that the poor child has a book and if you baby sit you have to write down at what time the child urinates, and what she eats at what time. Ludicrous parenting. I am not sure if what they state is true about the 'casual' food intake over the weekends, but time will tell. And yes, I agreee this is only going to cause more food issues in the child later on.


I heard a story the other day about a young couple- they are in their early 20’s, who have a baby, who is impossible. Apparently she is 8 months old and really keeps everyone on their toes. Her granny has worked out that the baby is on solids at the day care she goes to, but over the weekend is only given bottles to drink. What would you say or think about this situation? I am appalled at the fact that these young people do this and claim they do it because they do not want a fat baby.


mainely stitching said...

I feel really sorry for any baby whose parents are worried about something like this with an 8 month old. Obviously a baby this age needs solids to grow properly. I hope the baby's granny will call in some big guns to get the parents in line - what they are doing is actually child endangerment and neglect.

Aussie Stitcher said...

This is disgusting. This is the sort of things that can lead to huge psychological problems and eating disorders.

Anonymous said...

Poor kiddie. I'd personally say that was child abuse. I hope her parents realise soon that what they are doing is wrong.

Anonymous said...

Are these people flipping nuts? I still say people should get a license to parent. Maybe they think they are "Skinner" and can manipulate the child into what they consider a perfect being. If they want a skinny kid they can go to any country where the kids are emaciated with starvation already to get themselves one.

Flipping idiots should put themselves on a liquid diet.


MarmiteToasty said...

Sounds like neglect to me, neglect in the babies needs...

What is with some people, jebus it insenses me...
