Monday, September 14, 2009

A380 revisited

Do you remember when we went to see the A380?

Well, my kids and I have a special relationship that no-one really understands; we have conversations that don’t include anyone else, and most cannot follow. Our own shorthand if you will.

I was reading Marmite Toasty, and realized she has the same relationship with her kids. You just get the giggles together, and egg each other on and land up in ‘disgrace’ – not in your head; you are having far too much fun to notice!

Back to the A380…. (I didn’t digress much, did I?)

We meet up, as arranged, and park in the car park that Ian suggests, remember he works at the airport so he knows the ropes.

Now as I cannot re-direct you to the photos and the original story, I have to give you a run down. Iblog has killed my blog.

Ian, myself, Coralie and Sean, and then Peter (Coralie’s ex’s dad) went.

So we arrive at the end of a queue – a long queue, we cannot see where we are supposed to get to – the security office is around a bend.

“Oh, no” says Coral, “This chap has been here since 1941, we are going to be ages!” The chap in front of us has a jeep tee shirt on, but only has 1941 printed on the back. The giggles start. Including the chap, who now is over hearing our conversation and smiling. But does not look at us.

So, we 3 get bored, good thing Ian and Peter were deep in conversation, as we were behaving like children – ha ha!

I start telling Coralie a story – another digression to explain – Coralie popped around to our house whilst she and Michael were breaking up with some dagga, dope, marijuana, whatever you call it in your home. She made up some smokes (I don't know what you call them, actually)– my first time ever – at 43 trying my first drugs. Well, it was amusing, but not like I am going to put myself out finding the stuff.

Anyway, Sean was not there, so I sent him an SMS, or Text message saying ‘we have dope’. He does not respond, I think what a shame (or stupid dude, I am not sure). Anyway when I do see him he says he thought I can’t spell and meant to say ‘we have dop’ (Afrikaans slang for alcoholic drink).

So of course we are roaring with laughter, waiting in the queue and the chap in front, and his lady friend are trying not to bust a gut listening to us.

Needless to say, once we had started to entertain the crowd, oh dear we are incorrigible; we were on a roll.

Sorry I cannot remember more of the conversation, but let me tell you, we should start a troupe – Sean is the funniest – he just cannot help but be funny.

And Marmite Toasty’s fun Saturday reminded me of that time, except I didn’t try to run over and give a guy a heart attack – ha! Maybe I can work that into my next blog account of ‘Things I Did Over the Summer’. And I can also say ‘Don’t make me angry – I have a tattoo’, not that I have one!!

1 comment:

MarmiteToasty said...

ROTFLMRSSO!!!! see, I aint the only one with the secret language with my kids :)

Aint it just the funniest.... the tattoo talk had to come out today also LMFAO.....

know you are loved and thought about often..
