Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Guest blogger

Today is my daughter Coralie's turn, she has written a note to people whom she cares for to describe the appointment and the scan with all - enjoy!

What an eventful evening we had on Friday!

My appointment at the gyne was at 16:00. This was a big scan which all together took an hour and a half for the appointment and a thorough scan. We only managed to get into his room at 18:30 as we had one gyne on duty and he had already done 3 emergency deliveries through the day which reeked havoc with his appointments. By this time Henk was livid that we were waiting and we still had not even gone into the drs room! We were still in the waiting room! Dr nearly had anther emergency to deliver twins in his room whilst we were there! We finally made it into the room. He gave us a bit of info regarding what the purpose of this scan is and what he wants to learn from it is respect to the health of the baby

The purpose of this scan was to check health factors and risks.
The umbilical cord has the three veins for proper nutrition and blood supply to Baby – Yay!!
The heart has all four chambers – this alone has eliminated 80% of possible detectable heart diseases – Yay!!
Both kidneys are there!
The spine is in good condition with no breakages J
No soft spots for Downs Syndrome were detected!
The brain is there – LOL! No seriously we have a brain and it is perfectly in proportion to the drs requirements.
We have 2 legs (with the correct amount of bones) with 2 enormous feet!
Arms and face we could not see very clearly as the sound waves could not pick up the detail of the face (cleft palate has not been omitted yet) and we have not been able to check the bones in the arms either. This will be done if 4 weeks time at my next appointment.

And Henk favourite part!! After struggling for a while to see the sex of the baby dr had to cross section the scan of the baby length ways to see the sex of the baby. So in the scan to will not be able to make out much.
There is a shadow of a leg in the background on the right side. The pelvis is clear located more to the middle right.
Spine and ribs on the left side.
You may be able to see the small dark spot (further left) which is the heart.
The head is not part of the scan so don’t look for it! (As this pic was to check the sex)
You should be able so see on this scan that we have a BOY!!! To quote the Dr ‘For 22 weeks this is the biggest package I have seen and I have delivered over 9000 babies!”

We finally left the drs rooms at 19:45! But with fantastic news – a healthy baby BOY!!!

(sorry all, as per usual, blogger will not let me upload pictures - sigh)!


mainely stitching said...

Yay for everyone!!! I remember these scans ... amazing, isn't it?? I'm so happy for everyone, and wishing you (Coralie) a wonderful pregnancy and you (Coral) a wonderful grandmotherhood! :D

Anonymous said...

good news for all. some parts of these modern days are absolutely wonderful joys. how nice to be able to have a screening and not only find out what sex the yet born baby is but to see that he is healthy and has all of his parts.

congratulations to your whole family on this new gift that is coming soon to you. so exciting to know that a little boy will soon be in your arms.

congrats to Henk on the you know what. lmao

lets here how and what you are doing Coral. I suppose life is keeping you busy.

your buddy Jolie

Aussie Stitcher said...

That is great news. So glad that is everything is going well.